Social clubs don’t pay for themselves – this is something that you already know far too well if you run one! For many club organisers, it’s a constant battle to raise enough money to keep the doors open and ensure that events can go ahead.
Non-intrusive earnings
Raising money for your club often includes activities like fundraising, charging entry fees, and other options that might make you feel like a charity. You don’t want to beg for handouts all the time – and your members don’t appreciate it either.
But what if there was a way to earn a passive income for your social club? What if you could tap into something that your members are already doing, without being too intrusive, and make money from it?
That’s the opportunity you have when you place a vending machine into your social club. It’s a fantastic way to earn money without having to take any action yourself. Your members are already likely to buy a drink at lunch or settle down with a glass at the end of the day. Why not let them benefit you while they are doing it?
Getting Paid
Revenue from the machines is paid into a nominated bank account on a quarterly basis. You will receive your commission from every drink sold, which will vary depending on your location, your overall turnover, and the specific drinks you choose to stock. You can set it up to provide the kind of drink that you know your members will enjoy the most so that you maximise the commission you receive.
When it comes to vending machines, Sydney is a fantastic place to get started. But don’t feel left out – social clubs can have vending machines Melbourne based or further afield. We can work with clubs listed on Clubs Australia and are happy to discuss the possibility of your club gaining a passive income that could fund many of your future endeavours.
All social clubs need a bit of a boost from time to time, no matter how many members you may have. It’s important to all of your members that the club keeps going – it provides them with a place to socialise, to catch up, and to relax outside of work. If they know they can contribute to the club’s future simply by enjoying a refreshing drink now and then, they’re sure to jump on board.